Thursday, January 7

Day 6...Class 6


"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!" ~Henry Ford

Starting to get frustrating.. This whole detox process. Feels like I'm going backwards sometimes.. After class today I had a talk with Chasity. I asked her if there's anything I can do different to make my class go easier or make sure that I'm being safe about it now that I'm going every day. She asked what I was eating, when I come to class, if I've been doing anything different since I started. She said it's completely normal, I'm approaching it correct, and I know my body and when to take it easy. Chasity and Oleg said to keep strong you just go to class every day, do what you can do, and you will get better and better. They also said that at about Day 10 is when that initial detox process is over and it gets easier to be in the room and push yourself harder. Makes sense.. She said in the meantime, do all you can do and take a break when you need to. She also said, eat what you crave. I totally believe in that! Your body needs it for a reason, that's why you're craving it. It's so funny how even practicing regularly, it's NOTHING at all like going daily! I'm hoping they're right and in a few days i'll feel more renewed. I'm sure I'm detoxing all the Holiday crap out too, didn't really think about that!

Postures I was complimented on:
Chair(on tip-toes), Standing Bow, Tree(left bent knee in alignment with right)

Standing backbend(weight in heels, hips more forward)