Friday, January 29

Day 28...Class 28


Oh how I love a good Michelle class! It was hot and tough and light and funny and great! My fave is her "Upside down letter L.. as in Lady Gaga:)" line! I think we should play Lady Gaga in the background in class! That would be sweet;)

We end the Standing Series, which I never sat down in(Woo hoo!).. We laid on our mats and the fans go on.. Aaaahhh, much needed... Oh shit, is my fan going the wrong way?? Damn! I wasn't sure if it was, but it was going the opposite way of the other fan and I couldn't feel a breeze at all:( Just when I thought I'd feel a little relief, the thought was taken away from me. My sweat on my body was boiling and I just wanted a friggin breeze, just for a minute.. I really do think the fan on my side of the room was going in the wrong direction. I can't remember which direction they are supposed to go in, though. Oh well, it's over now and I'm still alive.

The super hot feeling made me tired in the Spine Strengthening series, but I did every posture and it was over before I knew it! I couldn't wait to get up off that hot ground and get into Fixed Firm! That's always a high point in class for me. I have more energy. I'm not a fan of being on my stomach in there..It's hot, makes you feel weird.. But if I never felt weird in there I guess I'd never know what feeling really good in there would be like. It's like the Yin and Yang of Bikram. Sometimes weird is good.. Like Camel! I love Camel weird...Some of you have no idea what I'm talking about, but it's OK. Get your ass into Bikram and change your life and find out! :D

Tomorrow I don't get to practice until after work, the 3pm class. So we'll see how much more bendy I am later in the day!

Postures I was complimented on:
Toe Stand

Standing Backbend(Arms locked more), Balancing Stick(Leg down a little)