Sunday, January 31

DAY 30!!! CLASS 30!!!


YAY, my 30th class in a row!! It was a GREAT one too!! I love me some Oleg! I felt so strong and flexible today and had good people around me. What a great practice!! I still can't believe I went 30 days in a row! Wow..

So now for all of you who want to try it....Really, if I can do it for 30 days straight, you can do it for a week to test the waters! I've never had anyone say they don't like it unless they've only been once and wasn't hydrated. You must make it a point to go as many times as you can in that trial week, especially when you first start.. Go a few days in a row at least! You will love the way you feel. In the month of Feb I can bring anyone for a free class as long as you haven't been to the studio before! So if you go for a free class and get the trial week for 20.00 you can have 8 days instead of 7! I know a lot of you talk about going. It's a great opportunity to start!! I feel fantastic. It's the best thing in the world!

So I have learned a few things through this process...The more you go, the better you feel and more you advance. I've gotten farther in some postures that I never thought I'd be able to. The more your spine starts hurting the better you do in class..Sounds strange, but it's true. The days when it hurt the most were some of my best classes! I've realized I need to learn to release the attachment to things like I do in everyday life. I'm better at doing it outside the room, so now I'm learning to do it in the room. I've learned that as much as I love it, it's "Just Yoga" and not to take it too seriously or be too hard on yourself.. Never compare yourself to others in the room, you are on your own journey. And even though it sucked having to wash my hair everyday, at times I can barely hear because of all the sweat dripping in my ears, my yoga clothes and towels stink all the time(I go through so much detergent, baking soda, and tea tree to clean my mat!), I have perma-calluses on my knees, my spine hurts so good, I've learned I really do have ab muscles under what was there:), I need a pedicure, I've spent a lot of money on Coconut Water and Smart Water, it's all been completely worth it and I feel like a million bucks! I think everyone should attempt a 30 Day Challenge..It will change the way you think and the way you live!
Thanks for everyone's support and interest in my journey! I DID IT!:)

Saturday, January 30

Day 29...Class 29


Talk about having "Yoga Drama!"
Learning to release attachment in the Yoga room like I do in my daily life..
This class was SO completely out of control. It was super super hot.. A student(which you're not supposed to even do this) cracked the door to outside before class to air it out. Which wasn't actually a bad idea because it was so steamy in there! The class started out with an erratic Pranayama Breathing. Terrible timing and a different count to every breath, not the steady count that should be done for it to flow correctly. The Standing Series began and people were dropping like flies to their mats.. It was like that movie where there's a bunch of people in a mall, then they turn into monkeys and animals acting wild! Was that in Mean Girls?.. Anyway, everyone was laying down, panting, not doing anything. It was insane. It was like Yogi's Gone Wild, but with nobody flashing their boobs. I worked through the Standing Series only taking a knee once and falling out of Balancing Stick because I didn't have the energy to keep my elbows or leg locked because it was so boiling in there.

I laid in Savasana listening to everyone breathing hard and fidgeting with their water and people leaving. At that point I knew there was no way I'm staying in this unmotivating, hot ass, terrible class. And when I decide something nobody can talk me out of it, sometimes not even myself. I said to myself that I MUST stay until Camel because I wanted to do that posture so bad!:) I knew I should've gotten past all that and stayed and focused on myself, but I was so far passed that point. So I half assed the Spine Strengthening Series, as I noticed so did everyone around me! After Camel I grabbed my stuff and left. The teacher of course asked where I was going, I said "Leaving early" and that's it..Maybe I shouldn't have left right after Camel...They do say that's an "emotional" posture.. Read on..

Jennifer, super sweet Jennifer was out front, she walked over to see if I was OK, because I never leave class. NEVER EVER EVER EVER..... I start crying! WTF? I blabbered on about how this person's class is so unmotivating and uninspiring. I never look forward to it, the dialogue is always messed up, She talks to us rudely.. As I'm talking to her I see two people in the lobby that also walked out of class. That just doesn't happen on a normal basis, so I know it wasn't just me getting frustrated. I told her I'm sorry, I don't know why the hell I'm crying anyway! She was so nice and said it's OK, no worries.. I stayed and took a shower there and relaxed in the locker room. As I was getting dressed I was like, Holy Shit, what did I just do?? Hahahaha! I just had my first official, and hopefully only "Yoga Meltdown!" Geez... So, Jen came in to check on me. I apologized to her and she said don't worry, it happens!
Wow Cat...

Then I decided, screw it I'm going to Jack in the Box! ;) And by the way, their mini churros rock!:) Here's to a better experience tomorrow for my final 30 Day Challenge class! Woooo Hoooo! Oh yes, and this one DOES count, even though I left 3 postures early:)
Nama-freakin-ste people!!!

Friday, January 29

Day 28...Class 28


Oh how I love a good Michelle class! It was hot and tough and light and funny and great! My fave is her "Upside down letter L.. as in Lady Gaga:)" line! I think we should play Lady Gaga in the background in class! That would be sweet;)

We end the Standing Series, which I never sat down in(Woo hoo!).. We laid on our mats and the fans go on.. Aaaahhh, much needed... Oh shit, is my fan going the wrong way?? Damn! I wasn't sure if it was, but it was going the opposite way of the other fan and I couldn't feel a breeze at all:( Just when I thought I'd feel a little relief, the thought was taken away from me. My sweat on my body was boiling and I just wanted a friggin breeze, just for a minute.. I really do think the fan on my side of the room was going in the wrong direction. I can't remember which direction they are supposed to go in, though. Oh well, it's over now and I'm still alive.

The super hot feeling made me tired in the Spine Strengthening series, but I did every posture and it was over before I knew it! I couldn't wait to get up off that hot ground and get into Fixed Firm! That's always a high point in class for me. I have more energy. I'm not a fan of being on my stomach in there..It's hot, makes you feel weird.. But if I never felt weird in there I guess I'd never know what feeling really good in there would be like. It's like the Yin and Yang of Bikram. Sometimes weird is good.. Like Camel! I love Camel weird...Some of you have no idea what I'm talking about, but it's OK. Get your ass into Bikram and change your life and find out! :D

Tomorrow I don't get to practice until after work, the 3pm class. So we'll see how much more bendy I am later in the day!

Postures I was complimented on:
Toe Stand

Standing Backbend(Arms locked more), Balancing Stick(Leg down a little)

Thursday, January 28

Day 27...Class 27


Despite the fact that I had an awesome Mexican dinner last night at El Torito, I had a surprisingly great practice this morning...GO CHECK IT OUT, it's on Boulder Hwy in Henderson (and no, it's not the chain found in cali!). It's my friend's family restaurant that's been there for 30 years and is truly authentic mexican food! YUM... My dinner consisted of basically an entire basket of homemade chips and awesome salsa, albondigas soup, an amazing  green chile pork enchilada, and some rice. Wow was I stuffed and I woke up stuffed too! I didn't even think about it while I was in class and I had a great one and was starving after!

Chasity kicked our asses today. It was great! My back felt nice and limber and my muscles felt strong (except in f'n Triangle, DAMN!).. I'm finishing my challenge strong and I'm loving it!! Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my day!

This is off the subject..
After losing my incredible Mom in '09 to the terrible, unexplainable disease I just hate hearing about so much Cancer in the world.. The journey is so rough and my thoughts and prayers are with anyone who is suffering from it or suffering with someone who has it. All I can say to everyone is stay positive, fight, and live life in the moment and to it's fullest. There's nothing like looking back at pictures of my Mom and seeing her bright smile through the entire journey. Inspiring! Cancer already has so much control over the society, let's not give it any more control in letting it ruin our precious time here. Cancer does not deserve it! You can't change yesterday, but you can ruin today worrying about tomorrow..

"We believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything."~Lance Armstrong Foundation

Pranayama Breathing(Elbows up more), Balancing Stick and Locust, single leg(Sole of foot facing ceiling), Full Locust(Chest up more...That's haaaard!), Rabbit(Hips up)

Wednesday, January 27

Day 26..Class 26


The temperature in class was all too perfect for me! I loved it, whatever it was today, that's my favorite temp:) It still felt hot enough to be bendy and work up a good sweat, but I was able to do every posture to my fullest ability(even stay in Triangle all four times;) and she didn't even have to open the doors cause it never got stuffy in there, just a perfect hot room. I think that's better, but that's just me. Why make it SO hot that you have to open the door every few postures when you can keep it at a controlled temp and maybe use the fans a couple times. The heating bill when they have it cranked must be crazy! I felt amazing in class and feel amazing now!

So, Chasity wasn't teaching again like I thought. It was Marie. She's too adorable. She's a great teacher, but also has an amazing, focused practice herself! I also got to practice with Michelle today who I love too!! Marie was in Chasity's class yesterday with me. So she picked up right where Chasity left off on my Stretching Pose! She told me to use my bicep strength more and pull my elbows down. I did get farther in practice yesterday probably because it was a little later in the day. I can't believe I'm doing that now. I think I was so used to focusing on pulling my toes back and keeping my back flat on the way down, that I never focused on that before. Now it brings me to the Esak Garcia seminar I attended about a year ago.. I remember asking him about that posture, "Should you concentrate on keeping your back flat on the way down? Or should you pull to get farther down and then worry about straightening your back?" He actually said to pull down and then straighten your back. He said that's the way he learned to go deeper into the posture.. Hmmm, maybe I should just try that sometimes too and see what works better. I also think I am getting better at some of these postures because my back is getting more flexible. It doesn't feel like I have a metal rod in my lower spine today, so that's good! My left side Standing Head to Knee was better today.. I was able to pull my elbows down and bring my head down almost touching my knee.

It's so funny how the break through's happen.. One day you feel like your going to snap in half or fall over cause you're so sore or tired..then BAM, the next day you're doing something you've never done. It just goes to show how hard you have to work and push yourself to improve. I was going so long with just being stagnant and doing OK, but never really improving. I think everyone who does Yoga should do a 30 day Challenge, atleast once, to see how they improve. They would be amazed!

Tuesday, January 26

Day 25...Class 25


Wow...I guess my spine feeling like a tight rubber band...or even a metal rod sometimes DOES mean it's getting stronger and more flexible! It feels so tender, especially my lower spine.. I was actually going to warn Chasity before class that my lower back's been super sore, just in case she notices I'm having trouble in certain postures... But I didn't. I said, NO Cat, you won't use this as a crutch! I got in that room at about 10:40 and had a good 20 minutes of stretching to loosen up. It was nice to go a little later because I got to eat a couple hours before instead of just waking up and going. So that made me feel good while practicing too!

Here it comes, the first backbend of the day..."Your back is going to hurt like hell, but I don't mind!" That's a famous saying the teachers tell us:).. First set was decent, the forward bend into hands to feet, OUCH.. Second set-Chasity says "Cat, body weight in heels..More..More..More..Arms back..More..More, Good!" Aaaahhh.. I think that was the farthest I've gotten in the Standing Backbend!  Nice! Weight in the heels just MAKES you go back more. And you have to have your weight in your heels a lot more than you think, so it does make it a little scary. I wish I could see how far I go back. I have no idea what it looks like...

Then comes the Stretching Pose.. I grab my toes, walk my hips back right left right left. I flex my toes back, lock my knees and pull.. Chasity tells me to get my elbows down. In my head I say, "I've never done that before, how?" She tells me to keep going and says, "It's alright, second set you'll do it!" Um, sure..... Well, second set comes along and I knew she'd come right back to me. "Pull Cat Pull, get your elbows down, more, more.." I kept thinking, but my feet are not as flat and toes aren't as pulled back and my back isn't straight.. She told me I had a few inches to go..then one inch to go.. then "Touch it!!!" I did! Not for long, just towards the end, but I did! Ok, my back wasn't straight and toes turned in a little, but I made progress! It doesn't matter if it wasn't perfect.. Like they always say "It's Yoga Practice, not Yoga Perfect!" Did I just make that posture my bitch today? Let me tell you, practicing later in the day really does make you more flexible. We'll see if I can do it tomorrow morning:) And I think Chasity is teaching the 7:15!:) She's awesome and so encouraging! This challenge is amazing, and Michelle said to me after class "Just wait till a couple weeks after the challenge, you'll see even more improvement!" Nice!

I can't remember all the corrections and compliments in class today because it was a small class and she communicated a lot to us! It was great..
A few were..
Standing Backbend(Weight in heels), Half Moon(Weight in heels), Balancing Stick(Bottom of foot parallel to ceiling, don't turn it), Locust-Single leg(Same as Balancing Stick), Camel(Keep tight grip on heels), Standing Head to Knee(Flex toes back), Head to Knee Pose(Loosen grip to bring elbows down more)

Monday, January 25

Day 24...Class 24


Loving Misha....
The heater was still broken and it was maybe 95-100 degrees.. but I managed to break a really good sweat anyway! I think when she said we had to work harder to break more of a sweat I did just that. When the door opened at the end of class I was freezing when usually it feels good! My lower back feels kind of like a rubber band.. It wants to stretch but it's tight because it's sore. Getting in that heat sure helps though! My knees were bothering me today and my legs were a little weak making it hard to stay in Chair and Eagle.. Wonder if it was from hiking a bit yesterday.. The past 23 days I've been just focusing on Yoga and I haven't thrown anything extra in there until yesterday. We saw an amazing waterfall and snow still left on some of the mountains at Redrock. We took some awesome pictures. Peaceful, great hike! Just what I needed.

6 Days left! Exciting.... Every day that I blog or circle the day at the studio, I think of how close to the end it is. I kind of don't want it to end.. But I'm not going to participate in the 60 day challenge.. One day maybe, not now.. I adjusted my work schedule a bit this month to make the time to do this.. So, I should go back to the norm for a little while. I'm hoping to keep going more often than I used to. I do eat a lot, but I also don't want to lose weight, so I think another straight 30 days will be intense. I've only lost 2-3 lbs during this whole challenge trying to maintain and i've definitely seen the weight being distributed differently on my body. So, I've done a good job with that and I'm happy with myself. No stick figures aloud!:)

"What you do today is important. You are exchanging a day of your life for it!"

                         Redrock First Creek Hike..1-24-10