Monday, January 18

Day 17...Class 17


Nice! I got my ass kicked today!.. In a good way. Tough practice for me and I was tired today, but it was a REALLY great class! I'm loving Misha! She also does Reiki.. I'm excited to try it soon. It was a busy holiday morning class. Misha gave us A LOT of instruction and we were all pushing through. I was able to mentally push through more today than usual. That's a good improvement. Now, Triangle is hard enough as it is, right?.. Today we sang Happy Birthday to Leah while in Triangle! Ha! It was pretty cool though. I had to take a quick knee at the very end of the second set because I don't think I was breathing while I was singing:)

Today in Standing Head to Knee Misha said I had good control. That's nice, because I'm really working on that. It was when I kicked my left leg out..That side seems to be better for me in that posture. It's so funny, in the beginning of my practice, about a year and a half ago, I never, ever thought I'd be able to kick out straight! Still working on bringing elbows down and head to knee. Just goes to show you can do anything if you work at it. Now I know the things I think I won't ever be able to do, I will eventually be able to do them. Like full Camel, better backbends, Full Standing Bow, or Full Pigeon.. So many pretty postures out there. Now what is weird to me.. I always get complimented on my Tree for having my knees in alignment, so it seems my hips are pretty open. But how come in Triangle it's so hard for me to push my right knee back sometimes in that posture. Oh, I know why! It's because in Tree I'm not having to hold myself up with my lame inner thigh strength:) Hmmmm..

Postures I got complimented on:
Hands to Feet Pose, Chair(On tip-toes), Standing Head to Knee(Good Control), Balancing Stick(Left side), Tree

Hands to Feet Pose(Keep bringing elbows behind calves), Bow(Keep kicking up and back), Triangle(Rt. side-push right knee back way more)

I just figured out I can add pictures.. Fun!;)