Wednesday, January 13

Day 12...Class 12

7:15am...Toni Jo

"Every posture is a lifetime journey unto itself. Our bodies change and our lives change. We gain confidence using all of our faith, determination, will, self-discipline and concentration in each posture. After a class in Bikram Hot Yoga, our cells vibrate at a higher level, and we KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are more alive!"

Toni Jo rocks. She is motivating and pushes you, but also keeps it light and funny at the same time. Practice was great today.The vibe in there was awesome and all my yogi friends showed up:) It's funny because you get used to the people who practice around you and when they're not there it's different. Not sure if they feel the same way when I'm not there, Haha! I like how all of our vibes feed off each other. There's little pokes, smiles, and laughs.. And yes, even sometimes looks of  misery and despair! ;)
Fun class today!

As far as my food regimen is going, I'm still not sure what works the best for me yet.. Obviously eating healthy is the best. But I did eat some snacks way later than I should have last night and thought it would affect me in class today, but it didn't. Maybe it's better..Getting some fuel into my body since I usually go to class first thing in the morning. So, I'm still working on my food theory and what works best for me and my body. However, I think my Coconut Water 45min-an hour before class is working better than Emergen-C.. I used to do Coconut Water when I first started then I just strayed away from it for some reason and started trying Emergen-C. I'll still use both and maybe switch it up a little now and then. I love Whole Foods.. Time to make a trip there this week for more!

Everyone I know who hasn't tried Bikram Yoga ask me if our studio has beginners classes, because they've never done it before. I tell them it IS beginners postures in a heated room.. It's like they don't believe me though. I tell them that if you're advanced you just go farther into the postures. The class is basically a different challenge and journey for everyone. I tell them that it doesn't matter if they get into the posture 10% of the way or 100% of the way, they will still gain the same benefits if it's is done with correct form. I couldn't touch my toes before last year when I started Bikram! I wish they would all try it.. And I wish they would try it a few days in a row and stay hydrated. That's the only way you get the real feel for it. You can't go once and say "I hate it." I hear that a lot. I think when people are ready they'll try it. It really is mind over matter and all about the breath.. I think I was almost a year into it before I actually realized how much the breath helps! So, it's a learning process, an awesome journey!

Postures I was complimented on:
Pranayama Breathing, Standing Bow, Kapalbhati Breathing

Half Moon(Rt. side-come down farther, more of a push I guess than a correction)


Hollie Q said...

Toni Jo does rock!! The whole food thing is a tough thing to figure our because what our body needs is going to vary from day to day...I ate milk with cereal yesterday (I don't drink milk very often) and think that it may have had a negative effect on me....

Unknown said...

Going to try your coconut water this weekend...let you know how I like it...Boy! don't you love the cold wind once you've been in that hot room?....I do it's also nice on the drive too. xo/V

bikramyogachick said...

Cat~ Love love love Toni Jo. My "yoga husband" adorable gay Mark is good friends with her too.
I have a GREAT idea. You and I should practice together once at some point during this challenge and "guest blog" on each others blogs. :)
Go Las Vegas!!!!

Cat said...

do you ever get to come to green valley and practice?!

bikramyogachick said...

I have "used up" my ability to do a one week pass there, but Big G goes there too, so perhaps I need to consider a "drop in" class soon!