Sunday, January 24

Day 23...Class 23


It was so cool in the room today..Well, by cool I mean like 100 degrees maybe?:) I heard someone say after class that one of the heaters wasn't working. That explains it.. I didn't start sweating during Pranayama Breathing like I usually do.. But I do like it sometimes when it's like that.  It kind of switched it up a little. I feel like I could be stronger and push harder, but usually my flexibility isn't there when it's cooler in there. Today, everything was there pretty much. Flexibility, strength, stamina.. All except for my balance. For some reason that was off a bit. Standing Head to Knee, Standing Bow, and Toe Stand were a little hard to keep balanced. I felt like one of those Weebles from when I was a kid.. "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.." I was so surprised with it being cooler that my flexibility was good. I got farther into my second set of Half Moon on the left side and my Standing Backbend! My Standing Separate Leg Stretching felt great too.. It was a great class! Now for a beautiful Sunday.. Redrock, NFL Play-offs, and Dad's house for yummy dinner!

ONE WEEK LEFT of my Challenge!! :) Then what????.......

Standing Bow(Point toe more)


Unknown said...

Almost complete, yogagirl...have a nice dinner with your father.

Big G said...

That's weird about the heater. I took the 11 and it seemed fine. Maybe they fixed something. As for what's next after you finish the challenge, Stacy told us that she's extending the 30 day challenge to a 60 day one. So maybe you can do that one!

Cat said...

yea i guess it's still broken G.. it's about 100 so it's not too bad, just a little cooler tho. i think i'll stick with the 30 this time.. it's my first one.. it will definitely boost my practice and i'll go more than i was going, but a 60 is for another time:)

jcn said...

Really enjoyed reading some of your posts on the blog! Didnt have time to fully read them... but I read the yoga meltdown, and I actually had that in my first class. It was just so... yoga was wrecking my head. I wanted to cry during the class but told myself to hold it.. It was depressing, it was painful.. it was like everything you don't like about yourself and your weaknesses come out with the bad poses..
incredible connection...

Cat said...

Thx JCN.. I really wish I had the time to go more now. It takes up so much time out of the day and the studio isn't so close to me anymore:( Without being regular it's ALWAYS a challenge now LOL