Monday, January 25

Day 24...Class 24


Loving Misha....
The heater was still broken and it was maybe 95-100 degrees.. but I managed to break a really good sweat anyway! I think when she said we had to work harder to break more of a sweat I did just that. When the door opened at the end of class I was freezing when usually it feels good! My lower back feels kind of like a rubber band.. It wants to stretch but it's tight because it's sore. Getting in that heat sure helps though! My knees were bothering me today and my legs were a little weak making it hard to stay in Chair and Eagle.. Wonder if it was from hiking a bit yesterday.. The past 23 days I've been just focusing on Yoga and I haven't thrown anything extra in there until yesterday. We saw an amazing waterfall and snow still left on some of the mountains at Redrock. We took some awesome pictures. Peaceful, great hike! Just what I needed.

6 Days left! Exciting.... Every day that I blog or circle the day at the studio, I think of how close to the end it is. I kind of don't want it to end.. But I'm not going to participate in the 60 day challenge.. One day maybe, not now.. I adjusted my work schedule a bit this month to make the time to do this.. So, I should go back to the norm for a little while. I'm hoping to keep going more often than I used to. I do eat a lot, but I also don't want to lose weight, so I think another straight 30 days will be intense. I've only lost 2-3 lbs during this whole challenge trying to maintain and i've definitely seen the weight being distributed differently on my body. So, I've done a good job with that and I'm happy with myself. No stick figures aloud!:)

"What you do today is important. You are exchanging a day of your life for it!"

                         Redrock First Creek Hike..1-24-10


bikramyogachick said...

Nice pics! I LOVE red rock!

Hollie Q said...

wow Cat, the picture of the waterfall is so beautiful! I am really proud of you for doing the challenge. You mentioned that you kind of don't want it to end..i wish I could say the same. This challenge has been so different for me than the last one I did and I am really struggling with keeping on schedule..