Sunday, January 31

DAY 30!!! CLASS 30!!!


YAY, my 30th class in a row!! It was a GREAT one too!! I love me some Oleg! I felt so strong and flexible today and had good people around me. What a great practice!! I still can't believe I went 30 days in a row! Wow..

So now for all of you who want to try it....Really, if I can do it for 30 days straight, you can do it for a week to test the waters! I've never had anyone say they don't like it unless they've only been once and wasn't hydrated. You must make it a point to go as many times as you can in that trial week, especially when you first start.. Go a few days in a row at least! You will love the way you feel. In the month of Feb I can bring anyone for a free class as long as you haven't been to the studio before! So if you go for a free class and get the trial week for 20.00 you can have 8 days instead of 7! I know a lot of you talk about going. It's a great opportunity to start!! I feel fantastic. It's the best thing in the world!

So I have learned a few things through this process...The more you go, the better you feel and more you advance. I've gotten farther in some postures that I never thought I'd be able to. The more your spine starts hurting the better you do in class..Sounds strange, but it's true. The days when it hurt the most were some of my best classes! I've realized I need to learn to release the attachment to things like I do in everyday life. I'm better at doing it outside the room, so now I'm learning to do it in the room. I've learned that as much as I love it, it's "Just Yoga" and not to take it too seriously or be too hard on yourself.. Never compare yourself to others in the room, you are on your own journey. And even though it sucked having to wash my hair everyday, at times I can barely hear because of all the sweat dripping in my ears, my yoga clothes and towels stink all the time(I go through so much detergent, baking soda, and tea tree to clean my mat!), I have perma-calluses on my knees, my spine hurts so good, I've learned I really do have ab muscles under what was there:), I need a pedicure, I've spent a lot of money on Coconut Water and Smart Water, it's all been completely worth it and I feel like a million bucks! I think everyone should attempt a 30 Day Challenge..It will change the way you think and the way you live!
Thanks for everyone's support and interest in my journey! I DID IT!:)


Unknown said...

I am so proud of you, yogagirl! I new you would make it...xo/V

Cat said...

thanks! your turn!!!! :)

Big G said...

Awesome, awesome! Great feeling, huh? You should be very proud!

bikramyogachick said...

Congrats! I'm with you on the "I need a pedicure and I've spent so much money on coconut water!" So funny! I've never had Oleg's class as he only teaches at GV. Too bad he doesn't pick up some classes at other studios, I'd love to take his class.

L.Z. said...

hey, congratulations on finishing 30 in 30!! (Awesome blog btw, just found it through one of the bikram 101 blogs!) You must feel so spectacular after completing your challenge! :)

Hollie Q said...

Congratulations to you Cat!! All of the things that you mentioned in this post are so true, and at some point all of the little hang-ups we might have become so minor compared to the benefits and results achieved through a continuous practice. I was not able to get through this challenge but am determined to do it at least once this year.